Rule of thumb

Tough and "mean" are not synonyms. Decent and ethical are not synonyms either.

The other side of the river ...

It has been said that the other side of the river is always green. More like the mirage whenever you approach it, it just keeps going further. You focus too much on pursuing it but the fact is that the distance hides too many details. The beautiful green grass you were looking at has all sorts of annoying insects, thorns and when you are closer you get to to see them.

When you cross the river, you get shocked, miss the side of the river where you came from, hate your narrow mind that made you think there is a place that is entirely GREEN. You start looking at the side from where you came and to your surprise, you find it greener than where you landed.

You start to realize the trick, the further you go from anything the more beautiful you see it.. No more than an optical illusion.
The most beautiful places are the ones that you visit on a quick tour, the most attractive people are the ones you seldom talk to and the most interesting activities are the ones you don't have time to do, and that's why the happiest life is the one you are not living.


Life is a tapestry of events for which we can never connect the dots, neither forward nor backward.. Only when it ends will everything be revealed.. So stop trying to solve the puzzle cuz you will never be able to!

Race the wind

You look at it and you know you can never like it. Nothing wrong about it, it's just that you don't seem to like it. Suddenly you are in the same situation.. You can run, escape and forget all about it or force yourself to accept it.. Maybe it's not bad after all? No, running is safer, it's more like you and life is not only about what is right or what is wrong but rather what you believe in!

Fidèle comme une ombre

Ma solitude -Georges Moustaki

Pour avoir si souvent dormi
Avec ma solitude
Je m'en suis fait presqu'une amie
Une douce habitude
Elle ne me quitte pas d'un pas
Fidèle comme une ombre
Elle m'a suivi ça et là
Aux quatre coins du monde

Non, je ne suis jamais seul
Avec ma solitude

Quand elle est au creux de mon lit
Elle prend toute la place
Et nous passons de longues nuits
Tous les deux face à face
Je ne sais vraiment pas jusqu'où
Ira cette complice
Faudra-t-il que j'y prenne goût
Ou que je réagisse?

Non, je ne suis jamais seul
Avec ma solitude

Par elle, j'ai autant appris
Que j'ai versé de larmes
Si parfois je la répudie
Jamais elle ne désarme
Et si je préfère l'amour
D'une autre courtisane
Elle sera à mon dernier jour
Ma dernière compagne

Non, je ne suis jamais seul
Avec ma solitude
Non, je ne suis jamais seul
Avec ma solitude

Thoughts overflow!

There are just so many things that I want to blog about that I just don't know what to start with!
Literally thoughts overflow.. Will be back soon!


"While we are free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions." Quoted

Before acting, think about whether you can live with the consequences or not!

Richard Clayderman

Is there anything more amusing than listening to Richard Clayderman :)

Monsieur Clayderman , vous êtes super!


Success is an addiction. Once you get used to it, you can never let go..

I learned

I learned that..

... the presence of some people can make you feel lonelier than being all by yourself.

... sometimes you have to keep the distance in order not to lose people you care for.

... you become wise when you start to realize that you can't understand everything and that no single person can reveal the hidden messages of this world.

... we should not try to search for an idol or a model, for every single person is flawed.

... we should stop judging others cuz we will never know the whole picture.

... very few people actually "think". Thinking is a tedious involuntarily process, a gift (or a curse) that not all individuals possess.

... people who want to love you will find at least one reason for doing so and those who want to blame you will manage to find many reasons for doing that as well.

... when people are good to you it's not because you are good but because they are good and vice versa.

... whatever you do in your life will come back to you. "Karma"

"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching" ~quoted